Monday, March 1, 2010

Early Spring Cleaning...

Hi, it's me, Eve.

I'm going to be removing some content from the block, since I haven't heard from or been able to contact Zayury for about 6 months. There's no point having "Maelstrom" here in it's incomplete state. I can't finish it because the leading man is an altered version of my Lucian sim, (Zayury's version) and I don't have her version. I could start over using my original Lucian, but it wouldn't feel right. So, Maelstrom will be removed.

I'm also removing "Just What The Doctor Ordered", much as I hate to. Z worked very hard on all of these pics and it hurts to remove them, but I don't feel right keeping them without her input, and without being able to update them.

That said, I hope Zayury is well and as happy as she deserves to be. She will always be welcome here.

I will be posting a new story as soon as I have enough material. It takes a while because my pics take FOREVER, lol. I'm not as gifted with pics as Z, but I'm giving it a shot. The story is called "Broken", and is more mainstream than my usual fare. No vamps or ghosties, just a deeply troubled family. I'll save the vamps for another story I have in mind. Thanks for reading, all 2 of you! Lol!




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